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Articulo - Journal of Urban Research - Documents :

Articulo – Journal of Urban Research is a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the exploration of urban issues through the lens of a wide range of social science approaches. The Journal embraces a multidisciplinary perspective on the transformation of social, environmental and economic issues of cities and city regions. Publishing both theoretical and empirical articles, the Journal is an international forum that brings together academics and practitioners working on urban issues in cities around the world to present ground breaking and relevant research.
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22, 2021 - Digitalisation of public spaces: the great urban change?

Articulo - Journal of Urban Research - Documents le 06/05/2022 à 02:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

Guest editor: Raphaël Languillon-Aussel

Digitalisation of urban spaces, especially public spaces, is a long run process that became tangible in the 2000s, but its roots are in the 1970s and even before—at the beginning of the cybernetics age (Mitra and Schwartz, 2001). The telecommunication revolution at the end of the 1990s and the digital revolution in the mid-2000s have externalised computational and digital technologies from private indoor spaces (mainly homes and professional environments) to public external spaces (Eveno, 2014 ; Picon, 2015), leading to the rise of the digital city and its avatars—the smart city, the smart community, the wise city, the safe city, the U-city, the intelligent city, and so forth.

As a result of industrial initiatives, mainly from US companies, the smart city model has quickly and virally spread across the world in the 2010s. Commonly defined as a city structured by the genesis, collection, management, processing, and almost instantaneous analysis o...

23, 2021 - Autonomy and independence in urban environments. Between youth and old age, what inequalities and opportunities over life cycles?

Articulo - Journal of Urban Research - Documents le 06/05/2022 à 02:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

Guest editor:

  • Sébastien Lord, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Montréal

  • Sandrine Depeau, UMR ESO 6590 CNRS, Université Rennes 2

  • Florent Demoraes, UMR ESO 6590 CNRS, Université Rennes 2, IFEA

  • Vincent Goueset, UMR ESO 6590 CNRS, Université Rennes 2

  • Philippe Gerber, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

Independence and autonomy are two essential psychosocial processes that characterize the individual’s mastering of spatial mobility and related urban territories. Different crucial moments of the life course appear fundamental with this respect: childhood, adolescence, active life, retirement, or old age. These significant periods in the psycho-social construction of individuals are also reinforced by institutions (e.g., schools, colleges, universities, companies, etc.) and shaped by urban contexts (urban morphology, local amenities, functional accessibility, etc.). Defined as “normative transitions” (Bronfenbrenner, 1986) and inducing spatial and temporal orga...

24, 2023 - Urban Discourses

Articulo - Journal of Urban Research - Documents le 08/11/2022 à 01:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

Guest editor:

  • Thomas Buhler, UMR 6049 ThéMA, Université de Franche-Comté

  • Samuel Carpentier-Postel, UMR 6049 ThéMA, Université de Franche-Comté

  • Laurent Matthey, Université de Genève

Recently, there has been a wealth of textual data which are becoming increasingly available. Whether it is online media, websites, social networks, or planning documents (Buhler and Lethier, 2019), a vast quantity of data is being uploaded to servers which potentially contains valuable information for the analysis of the discourses of various actors in territorial production (from planners to inhabitants).

At the same time, computer-assisted textual-analysis methods and tools (Lebart and Salem, 1994) have constantly been developed and become more accessible to the academic community. Free open-source tools such as IRAMUTEQ (Ratinaud, 2009) and TXM (Heiden et al 2010) have, for example, greatly facilitated access to software for processing these semantic corpora. Against this background, this issue wishes to ta...

The new value of curbs

Articulo - Journal of Urban Research - Documents par Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty le 03/02/2023 à 01:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

The objective of this article is to understand the changing value of the curb in the digital transition that we currently experience. Digital technologies impose a new perspective when it comes to understanding the curb. This reflection relies on observations of a variety of academic and non-academic pieces of literature. The analysis of the urban economy is therefore deeply linked to activities of the private sector in the studied space, here the curb. The change in behavior of private operators regarding the occupation of curb has been crucial to acknowledge that the curb is becoming a scarce and valuable resource. This transition is bringing up new challenges to various city operators, both public and private, especially since the curb is used in its physical form but also to obtain information through digital technologies. Digital technologies are also opening new models of governance of urban spaces, more specifically of the curb, which can serve public services and the residen...

When children move to middle school: a small transition or a major change in their daily travel autonomy?

Articulo - Journal of Urban Research - Documents par S Depeau le 18/04/2023 à 02:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

In the context of urban transformation, children's mobility is a field of study in the social sciences that has been growing rapidly over the last twenty years. In this research, we aim to understand how children’s autonomy evolves during a “normative transition” from elementary (T1) to middle school (T2). Children’s autonomy is studied through daily independent travel, types of places visited as well as by observing children’s ability to deal with unexpected and unfamiliar situations.

Based on a longitudinal Mobi’kids survey using mixed methods (GPS travel/stop data; data from prompted recall interviews with children), children’s autonomy (based on independent travel, types of places visited and the ability to deal with unexpected situations) was analyzed over two periods (T1, n=86 and T2, n=56). The results show differences in mobility habits between the suburban and city children (in both T1 and T2), but also the same evolution trend in terms of independent travel while attending...