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UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture :

Architecture de terre et développement des territoires
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[MEETING] International Meeting for Construction with Earth and Natural Materials (Tlaquepaque Jalisco, México)

UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture par AE&CC le 25/03/2024 à 11:32:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

[EN] Within the framework of the UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, which we are a part of, the International Meeting for Construction with Earth and Natural Materials will be held at ITESO University on June 13 and 14 of this year. This meeting is aimed toward students, builders, architects, and the community in general who are interested in sharing and learning about ancient, contemporary, and future ways of building with earth and natural materials; therefore, we will have report paper presentations, round table discussions, […]

[EXHIBITION] In Praise of Soils (Shanghai, China)

UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture par aeccdoc le 08/02/2024 à 13:44:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

“All things are born from earth, and ultimately belong to earth.” It is an everlasting principle, and the architecture also follows. Earth is called “⽣⼟” in Chinese, when it is used as a building material without being burned. In ancient China, the term “earth-wood work” was often used to refer to the concept of construction. Even now it still composes the Chinese name of “civil engineering”. It can be seen that earth, like wood, plays a pivotal role in China’s traditional construction techniques and […]

Heritage for people : Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future

UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture par aeccdoc le 07/12/2023 à 17:24:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

The publication presents the results of the project ‘Versus-Heritage for People’, funded by the Creative Europe EU programme. The main aim of the project was to actively involve a broad audience and raise awareness among it concerning the value of vernacular knowledge in shaping more sustainable and resilient models of development. The material and immaterial elements constituting a vernacular heritage (encompassing local materials, construction methods, models for living and social interaction, technical and environmental knowledge for the management of territories, natural resources, settlements, etc.) […]

Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture par aeccdoc le 16/11/2023 à 09:59:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

Presentation of the institution La Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ha trabajado desde la década de 1980 sobre temas de medio ambiente y el entorno ligado directamente al objeto arquitectónico. Preparando profesionales en el área y teniendo presente los avances tecnológicos tanto nacionales como internacionales. En este sentido la construcción natural, enfocada en la construcción con tierra en sus diferentes técnicas ha sido motivo de interés para la facultad, con la creación de seminarios de Bio-arquitectura en […]

[CALL] Terra Education IV : Changing Scale | Changer d’échelle | Cambiar de escalaAPPEL / Terra Education IV :

UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture par aeccdoc le 13/10/2023 à 11:06:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

[EN] Since the middle of the last century, efforts have been made to better exploit the potential of earth as a building material. All over the world, interest in earthen architecture is growing, and research centres are multiplying, as are training efforts. However, the major projects carried out in the 1970s (e.g. “Village terre” in Villefontaine, France ; a social housing and infrastructure programme in Mayotte, etc.) did not become widespread. Their appropriation has often remained at the prototype or demonstrator stage. A situation […]