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ARENA - Architectural Research Network :

Architectural Research Network
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CA²RE @ Belgrade 2024-Nov-07-09

ARENA - Architectural Research Network par arenadmin le 15/05/2024 à 19:04:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

We are happy to announce the 16th CA²RE conference under the topic DISPOSITIONS. The conference is hosted by University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture....

RAPS: WORK-SPACE event Glasgow 2024-Sep-05-06

ARENA - Architectural Research Network par arenadmin le 29/04/2024 à 13:23:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

RAPS [https://www.rapsresearch.com] is hosting a 2-day WORK-SPACE event 5th– 6th Sept 2024 in Glasgow entitled ‘Locating the work of radical architects: Imagining, Seeing and Navigating’...

African architecture @ Wits University 2024-July-03-09

ARENA - Architectural Research Network par arenadmin le 11/03/2024 à 09:41:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

Call for papers for major conference on African architecture Professor Nnamdi Elleh of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg along with Professor Murray Fraser...

CA²RE @ Valencia 2024-Apr-11-13

ARENA - Architectural Research Network par arenadmin le 12/01/2024 à 16:26:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

We are happy to announce the 15th CA²RE conference under the topic EXPERIMENTATION. The conference is hosted by School of Architecture – Universitat Politècnica de...

Proceedings of the TU Delft CA2RE+ conference

ARENA - Architectural Research Network par arenadmin le 07/12/2023 à 16:13:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

As a partner of the CA2RE+ project, ARENA is proud to announce the publication of the proceedings book for the TU Delft CA2RE+ conference, available...