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OpenEdition Books - Architecture :

Web platform for books in the humanities and social sciences. Part of OpenEdition, an international portal for electronic publishing and academic communication.
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Villae maritimae del Mediterraneo occidentale

OpenEdition Books - Architecture par Giulia Ciucci le 16/07/2024 à 02:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

A partire dalla fine del II sec. a.C., la villa maritima, lussuosa residenza destinata alle alte sfere dell’aristocrazia romana, caratterizza le coste dell’Italia centrale per poi diffondersi, in epoca imperiale, in tutto il bacino del Mediterraneo. Nonostante gli studi e le ricerche dedicati a questo tema, non esiste una definizione chiara e univoca in grado di descrivere le peculiarità del modello architettonico della villa maritima e le trasformazioni che esso subisce con la sua diffusione al di fuori dall’Italia. Solo grazie alle evidenze archeologiche, numerose in tutto il Mediterraneo, è possibile definire alcuni elementi rappresentativi della villa maritima e seguirne le trasformazioni, a partire dalla seconda metà del IV sec. d.C., in nuove forme di abitato rurale, quali il palazzo, la chiesa o il monastero. Questo volume è il frutto delle giornate di studio tenutesi a Napoli, Capri e Baia nel maggio 2019. I vari esempi di ville marittime qui presentati testimoniano lo stato...

Les élèves d’Eugène Viollet-le-Duc

OpenEdition Books - Architecture par Bérénice Gaussuin le 11/07/2024 à 02:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

Although the architect Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879) only had a few direct teaching experiences, he nevertheless had many “students”, as he never gave up on passing on his ideas. In addition to the institutions in which he taught, it was in the course of his practice, in his office or on restoration sites, or through his publications, that he passed on his knowledge. So, while some of these “students” had actually been taught by the “master” in an educational institution, others - the most numerous - received Violletleducian lessons through other means, without necessarily having met him, or even having been contemporaries. Widely used today, the expression “students of Viollet-le-Duc” deserved, we thought, some clarification. This is the ambition of this volume, which, thanks to contributions from 22 authors, examines the ways in which Viollet-le-Duc's thought was transmitted, and the work of some of his followers.

Les théâtres antiques et leurs entrées

OpenEdition Books - Architecture par Djamila Fellague le 29/05/2024 à 02:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

The main entrances to the orchestra and tiers in Greek and Roman theatres and odeons were shared by both performers and spectators. Essential to the use of the monuments, they have been largely neglected since, like any passageway, they are defined by a void. No work has been devoted entirely to them. No overview of ancient theatre has included a chapter tracing its history.The present volume attempts to fill this gap by considering the evolution of these accesses from the birth of Greek theatre to the death of Roman theatre, from Portugal to the Near East. It includes seven regional overviews and as many monographic presentations, organized into three geographical areas: the East, Italy and Hispania, Gaul and Germania.These contributions show the essential importance of these passages in the functioning of ancient performance buildings and the regional diversity of their configuration. They call into question the very relevance of the terms “parodos” and “aditus”, highlighting the ...

Vauban, architecte de la modernité ?

OpenEdition Books - Architecture par Thierry Martin le 18/03/2024 à 01:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

The work of Vauban (1633-1707) can be seen as an essential contribution to the construction of modernity, understood as the period when rationality, in the various fields in which it was invested, came to occupy a predominant place. It is this modernity in Vauban's work that is examined here, both in its political and economic form, where it takes its place in the movement to rationalise political action that will mark the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and in its applications to military architecture and fortifications. The influences that Vauban underwent and exerted on his contemporaries, not only English and German but also American and Canadian, are presented and studied here, along with his possible relevance today. Historians, philosophers and specialists in fortification and urban planning from Europe and the United States have set out to assess Vauban's contribution to the construction of modern times.

Autour de Ledoux : architecture, ville et utopie

OpenEdition Books - Architecture par Gérard Chouquer le 16/02/2024 à 01:00:00 - Favoriser ||  Lu/Non lu

In October 2006, the Maison des sciences de l'homme et de l'environnement Claude Nicolas Ledoux (Besançon) brought together some twenty French and foreign researchers from a wide range of disciplines - architecture, history, art history, philosophy and anthropology - at the Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans to commemorate the bicentenary of Ledoux's death by examining the significance, challenges and future of his work. Ledoux was an architect who left behind a number of famous works, including the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Saline, but he was also the author of an often enigmatic book on architecture, the strangeness of which specialists continue to question. His work, both written and built, raises a number of questions relating to the history of architecture, the development of utopian currents and the regenerative project of the Enlightenment. The volume is divided into three parts. The first brings together studies devoted to Ledoux himself, both as a writer and an architect. The...